News and updates

DSASF EcoSocialists Vocal In Call for No PG&E Bailout

On Tuesday, October 22, members of DSASF’s EcoSocialist committee gathered at the California Public Utilities Commission’s (CPUC) offices in San Francisco. Members, who were there with the Utility Justice Campaign, rallied not only to criticize PG&E’s shutoffs, but also to...

October 26, 2019

Join DSA SF on 10/18 at the No New SF Jail hearing

As part of the No New SF Jail Coalition, DSA SF will be sending a delegation of members to observe the hearing about the future of the 850 Bryant county jail on Friday, October 18th at City Hall Legislative Chamber,...

October 15, 2019

DSA SF to distribute survival kits to unhoused individuals

Members of the San Francisco chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA-SF) will be doing a survival kit distribution to unhoused neighbors this Sunday, October 6 from 3pm to 6pm, beginning at our headquarters at 350 Alabama St #9,...

October 4, 2019

The Global Climate Strike is upon us!

The Global Climate Strike upon us! Join us on Friday September 20th as a contingent in the Global Youth Climate March. It’s no longer enough to wait for our politicians to act. As Greta Thunberg told Congress on Tuesday: “you’re...

September 18, 2019

Labor Day: A Reminder of Strength in Union

Nothing is more important to the public weal than that the nobility of labor be maintained. -Lawrence McGann (D-IL), who sat on the Committee on Labor, argued for Labor Day in a Congressional report submitted on May 15, 1894 Labor...

September 3, 2019

DSA SF Joins the No New SF Jail Coalition

DSA SF voted unanimously at the August general meeting to join the No New SF Jail Coalition. The coalition is a partnership between a growing number of activist and political organizations to permanently close the jail at 850 Bryant, which...

August 17, 2019

Billionaire Story Hour

Ever wonder about all those billionaires out there? Who’d they crush to get their money and what do they do with it all? Wonder no more as DSA SF’s Writing Committee hosts Billionaire Story Hour, an event to expose their...

July 30, 2019

Where We’ll Go and Where We’ve Been: A Fundraiser & Celebration

Come commemorate two years of DSA SF this Friday! DSA is hosting a party at the Tenderloin Museum to celebrate the growth of our chapter these past two years. The event is free, but we’ll also be raising money to...

July 15, 2019

Delegates, resolutions, and more!

The 2019 DSA National Convention is right around the corner and DSA SF is getting ready to make the most of it. In our last general meeting we elected a diverse group of incredible organizers to represent us in Atlanta....

June 17, 2019

DSA Replaces Brakelights in the Community

DSA SF’s Justice Committee held its second Brakelight Replacement Clinic of the year on June 8, 2019, at the San Francisco Christian School, located in the Outer Mission.  Members of the committee and other volunteers replaced neighbors’ brakelights, free of...

June 10, 2019