May Day is this Saturday! Join us for a series of events this week focused on the PRO Act and May Day—all leading up to a march and rally led by Bay Area Labor Councils on May Day: ?Tuesday, 4/27 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.: Come learn about how to organize for the PRO Act at the Bay Area Pass the PRO Act Town Hall! ?Thursday, 4/29 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.: Check out East Bay DSA’s virtual screening of a video-in-progress “We Mean to Make Things Over: A History of May Day,” with filmmaker Fred Glass! ?Friday, 4/30 at 5:30 p.m.: Union workers in the US & the Philippines have allied historically to prove that international solidarity is more powerful than any corp or regime! Hear a presentation about US imperialism in the Philippines, how our struggles connect, and how to resist. ?Saturday 5/1 at 9:00 a.m.: The May Day March and Rally! March with us to commemorate workers and rally for the PRO Act! Meet at the intersection of Drumm & Clay St. – bring personal water, snacks, and other supplies. Wear a mask and dress in red! |
Other Upcoming Events
Intro to Socialist Feminism
How do we reconcile the socialist movement with the insights of liberal feminism? Join us thisThursday, April 29 at 6:30 p.m. for a lecture exploring capitalist patriarchy, misogyny, intersectionality, and social reproduction theory. There will be time set aside for questions and discussion at the end. Sign up here.
Dean Preston Weekly Update
- This week, Mayor London Breed refused to commit to using Prop I funds for rent relief and social housing. This is clearly contrary to the will of both the voters and the Board of Supervisors. Reach out to Mayor Breed here so she knows exactly how we feel about her selfish neglect of the will of the voters.
- Last Tuesday, Dean and Supervisor Matt Haney introduced a proposal that would appropriate $9.3 million in one-time funds to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to offset the costs of piloting free public transit for all, for three months. If approved by the Board of Supervisors, the program would begin July 1 and run through the end of September. This is a critical first step towards the free, socialized public transit that San Francisco deserves.
- The Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development approved $2.7 million for immediate repairs at Plaza East following the organizing of Plaza East tenants and Dean’s announcement of an oversight hearing. While this is likely still not an adequate commitment, it is a strong move away from the initial demolition plan. If you’re interested in learning more and you want to show your support for the tenants of Plaza East, tune in to the Government Accountability and Oversight Committee hearing at 10 am on May 6.
- Starting May 1, the SF Department of Public Health will provide a drop-in community vaccination site in the Fillmore for all neighborhood residents 16+. Thanks to all the community members who came together to make this happen!
Have an idea or want to schedule a meeting with your caucus or committee with Dean’s office? Write to PrestonStaff@sfgov.org or lexvonklark@gmail.com with details, mention you’re with DSA, and we’ll schedule a day!
We Need You to Build Socialism!
We need your help with the following:
- Help Produce the Newsletter!
- Every week we put out the very newsletter you are reading, and we need organizers to help write, edit and produce it. Contact comms@dsasf.org or #ccc-comms on Slack to help out.
- Help Manage Our Social Media!
- You already live on Instagram and Twitter, so why not help build socialism instead of just providing data to targeted advertising algorithms? Contact comms@dsasf.org or #ccc-comms on Slack to help out.
- Help Organize Our Monthly Meetings and Other Fun Events!
- If you have experience or interest in organizing events, our Community team could use your help. Social events, educational events, and of course our monthly meetings; none of them happen without organizers. Fill out this form, email community@dsasf.org, or #ccc-community on Slack to join the fun.
- Help Our Tech Team!
- Want to be a part of a team that is actually making a difference in the world, not just talking about it on LinkedIn? Help build the infrastructure that DSA SF uses to build socialism. Contact tech-support@dsasf.org or #ccc-tech on Slack to pitch in.
DSA SF Membership Drive
Consider becoming a member of National DSA or making sure your membership is up-to-date, so you can participate in the member forums and stay informed about what the National Organization is doing. Becoming a member also counts towards DSA SF’s delegate count for the August National Convention! As always, no one will be turned away for lack of funds; all you need to do is fill out the dues sponsorship form. If you have any other questions or hurdles on membership, feel free to email steering@dsasf.org and we’ll figure something out together.
Reading Groups
The Antonio Gramsci Reader
The 21st Century Socialism Reading Group takes a dip back into the 20th. There will be four sessions every other Tuesday, continuing with our second session this evening, April 27th, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Register here!
Making Asian America: Brief Excerpts on Labor, Belonging, and Empire

Join us for DSA SF’s newest reading group to commemorate AAPI Heritage Month, “Making Asian America.” There will be three sessions (Labor, Belonging, and Empire), each of which will examine a different aspect of Asian American political organizing within its historical context. Sessions will take place this upcoming Sunday, May 2nd, Saturday, May 15th, and Saturday, May 29th, all at 2:30 PM. Sign up here.
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