Learn more about the chapter at this week’s Intro to DSA meeting!

Ready to get started with DSA SF? Have questions about socialism or our organization? Whether you have been a member for four years or four weeks, Intro to DSA is a great way to become more active in our organization. Our next Intro to DSA meeting is this Wednesday, June 2 at 6:30 p.m. – register here to join us.
Upcoming Events
Next EWOC Training Series Starts This Week!

The fifth series of the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee’s Organizer Training Series starts this Wednesday, June 2, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This is a foundational course in organizing in the workplace (your own workplace or others) and is recommended for DSA SF members looking to expand their capacity as labor organizers. You will receive the Zoom registration links once the organizers have reviewed your response. Click here for more information or to sign up!
Learn More About Abolition from the DSA National Abolition Working Group
What is abolition? Why should socialists care about abolition? Join the Abolition Working Group this Thursday, June 3 at 5:00 p.m. for an introductory call that answers these questions on why this work matters, how socialism and abolition go hand in hand, and how you can plug your chapter in going forward. Abolition Working Group members will be joined by organizers Andrea James from Families for Justice as Healing and Rukia Lumumba, founder of the People’s Advocacy Institute. Register for the call here!
Call In to Demand Environmental Justice in the Bay Area!
This Wednesday, June 2 at 9:00 a.m., the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Board (BAAQMD) is having a critical vote on refinery pollution. The largest industrial source of pollution, particulate matter (PM) in the Bay Area comes from refineries’ Catalytic Cracking Units (also known as “Cat Crackers”). PM pollution is estimated to kill up to 3,000 Bay Area residents every year, mainly in working-class areas near the refineries.
There is no safe level of PM exposure! Tell the board members to support a common-sense rule to set a standard to reduce the dangerous particulate matter from Chevron’s and PBF’s “Cat Crackers” by 70%. This standard would require pollution control technology already in use at the majority of refineries around the US, including at Valero in Benicia. Sign up to get call-in information and talking points for this meeting. Zoom link for the meeting can be found here, and talking points can be found here.
Dean Preston Office Update
London Breed Promises to Veto Free MUNI
After our proposal to pilot a fare-free MUNI program for this summer was advanced by a 7-4 vote from the Board of Supervisors Tuesday, cartoonishly evil Mayor London Breed has publicly promised she will veto the legislation if it passes. While we are disappointed, we aren’t surprised: London Breed has shown time and time again that she values her own neoliberal policies over the democratic will of SF voters and the Board of Supervisors. Let it be known that no matter what the Mayor says, we will never stop fighting for Free MUNI. Completely fare-free public transit is a socialist priority, and it is critical not only for an effective transit program, but also for an eco-friendly one.
Big Week for Evictions & Rent Debt Legislation
This week, the Board unanimously passed legislation introduced by our office to extend the no-fault eviction ban for another 90 days. Additionally, we introduced legislation to cancel small business back rent, and another emergency law known as the Tenant Lifeline Act. The Tenant Lifeline Act would save tenants from the eviction cliff by extending the period in which tenants only have to pay 25% of their rent until the end of the year. Huge shout out to Kyle Smeallie, one of our legislative aides and a DSA member, who led the charge on all of these critical bills!
Have an idea or want to schedule a meeting with your caucus or committee with Dean’s office? Write either PrestonStaff@sfgov.org or lexvonklark@gmail.com with details, mention you’re with DSA, and we’ll schedule a day!
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