News and updates

DSA SF Endorses Jackie Fielder for State Senate
On Wednesday, January 22nd, DSA SF voted to endorse Jackie Fielder for State Senate. Jackie is a longtime DSA SF member and managed our chapter-endorsed and successful No on H campaign, which defeated a dangerous use-of-force policy by the Police...

DSA SF Urges Comrades To Support Police Shooting Victim Jamaica Hampton at 12/17 Town Hall
DSA SF is calling all comrades and community partners to attend the Tuesday, December 17 town hall being held by the San Francisco Police Department. Comrades should arrive by 6PM at César Chávez Elementary School (825 Shotwell St.) in order...

DSA SF Ecosocialist Committee to Pressure SF Board of Supervisors to Phase Out Gas in New Buildings
San Francisco is considering legislation which will disincentivize gas infrastructure in new building developments. At stake are at least 72,000 new residential units and numerous commercial buildings. This legislation follows similar “reach codes” adopted by San Jose and other Bay...

DSA SF to Support Bernie Sanders Campaign
During the General Meeting on November 20th, DSA SF passed the resolution to work on the Bernie 2020 primary campaign. DSA SF will coordinate with the local Bernie 2020 campaign to support him leading up to the March 3, 2020...

DSA SF Carries Dean Preston to Victory in D5 Race
After several days of counting votes and waiting for a concession in a close race, DSA SF member Dean Preston will officially become District 5’s next Supervisor. Preston, nicknamed “Extreme Dean” by his opposition, will join the Board of Supervisors...

DSASF EcoSocialists Vocal In Call for No PG&E Bailout
On Tuesday, October 22, members of DSASF’s EcoSocialist committee gathered at the California Public Utilities Commission’s (CPUC) offices in San Francisco. Members, who were there with the Utility Justice Campaign, rallied not only to criticize PG&E’s shutoffs, but also to...

Join DSA SF on 10/18 at the No New SF Jail hearing
As part of the No New SF Jail Coalition, DSA SF will be sending a delegation of members to observe the hearing about the future of the 850 Bryant county jail on Friday, October 18th at City Hall Legislative Chamber,...

DSA SF to distribute survival kits to unhoused individuals
Members of the San Francisco chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA-SF) will be doing a survival kit distribution to unhoused neighbors this Sunday, October 6 from 3pm to 6pm, beginning at our headquarters at 350 Alabama St #9,...

The Global Climate Strike is upon us!
The Global Climate Strike upon us! Join us on Friday September 20th as a contingent in the Global Youth Climate March. It’s no longer enough to wait for our politicians to act. As Greta Thunberg told Congress on Tuesday: “you’re...

Labor Day: A Reminder of Strength in Union
Nothing is more important to the public weal than that the nobility of labor be maintained. -Lawrence McGann (D-IL), who sat on the Committee on Labor, argued for Labor Day in a Congressional report submitted on May 15, 1894 Labor...