San Francisco DSA is funded and managed by our members. Our chapter structure consists of a Steering Committee made up of five elected officers, and numerous committees and working groups focused on various types of work, both internal and external. We also vote on chapter priorities each year.

Chapter Coordination
The Chapter Coordination Committee (CCC) is dedicated to helping grow and mobilize the membership of the chapter; from the person on the street to activist. We do this by onboarding new members, provide tech and administrative support, and work with all committees on various projects.
If you care about how DSA is run and your fellow comrades, or just want to learn how to be a better organizer please contact us to get involved.
The Ecosocialist Committee seeks to build a socialist future that is free from oppressive capitalist and colonialist systems of exploitation that harm human and environmental health. We reject the idea that green capitalism will solve current or future environmental crises, and strive to decarbonize, decommodify, decolonize, and demand a radical Green New Deal.
Current priorities include:
- Free Muni Full Service – promoting an accessible, sustainable, and just public transit system (sign up here!)
- Green Buildings For All – supporting work to make healthy, sustainable, and affordable housing for the working class, including developing a ballot measure to decarbonize buildings in SF
- Indigenous Sovereignty – working to write a local land acknowledgement and engage in material decolonizing work related to it
- Political Education – leading book clubs, making zines, and other poli-ed to benefit the chapter, new members, and Bay Area communities who are curious about ecosocialism
- Utility Justice – fighting PG&E and supporting Reclaim Our Power, a utility justice and frontline-led public power coalition democratizing control over major energy systems and resources and building a climate resilient energy system.
Read more about our guiding principles here.
The education board is composed of three members who lead chapter organizing and political education efforts. They host a regular open meetings, organizer training workshops, and a recurring “What is DSA” session for new members that you can find on the calendar. The primary goal of the Education Board is to develop members into more effective, thoughtful, and socialized people. The Board serves both new and long-time members, with a focus on sharing knowledge and training concrete skills.
Homelessness Working Group
The Homelessness Working Group is an open committee dedicated to supporting the disenfranchised of San Francisco. It aims to be a vehicle for political organizing around issues directly impacting unhoused and formerly unhoused residents of San Francisco. The ultimate objective of the Homelessness Working Group is to build collective power and end the exclusion from housing resulting in homelessness. Homelessness Working Group seeks to curb the brutalization and criminalization of the unhoused underclass in our inequitable city. You can participate by helping their regular weekend sessions to prepare meals or hand out essentials to the community and get involved by joining their regular bi-weekly meeting.
The Electoral Board is composed of 5 members who are elected by the chapter to coordinate our political campaign activity, both for city propositions or potential candidate runs or endorsements. During non-election years, the Electoral Board has the additional responsibility of coordinating the chapter’s support of successfully elected socialist representatives.
In 2024, the DSASF Chapter endorsed and campaigned to elect DSA SF Member Jackie Fielder to the Board of Supervisors for San Francisco’s District 9; the Electoral Board is responsible for coordinating our chapter’s support of Supervisor Fielder. Folks interested in helping to support Supervisor Fielder’s important work are encouraged to join our weekly Office Hours with Jackie’s Staff, which occur weekly on Friday at 3:00 P.M. via Zoom.
The Electoral Board’s regular weekly meeting is the chapter’s space to discuss and steer the project of supporting socialist changes in SF policy. Folks interested in these projects are invited to join our weekly meetings each Monday night at 6:00 PM via Zoom.
Tenant Organizing
The Tenant Organizing Working Group works to organize, mobilize, educate, and support tenants and . The class contradictions in housing is especially heightened in the Bay Area by extreme speculation the housing market, which has been commodified to the point that its value is almost entirely derived by its value as a financial instrument. As housing is primarily a tool of capital “investment” and extraction of surplus value from working class tenants, organizing tenants is one of the most direct methods of contesting the concentration of power in San Francisco.
The Labor Board works to raise class consciousness and improve the material conditions of workers in San Francisco. We are made up of socialists working to build a militant labor movement — through class struggle unionism, labor education, workplace organizing, and picket line support — and believe in being resolute in our socialist identities. Strengthening the rights of workers must be at the forefront of a strong labor strategy, and we are committed to winning material gains for workers in SF.
Palestine Solidarity
The Palestine Solidarity working group (PSWG) seeks to build upon our chapter’s past anti-imperialist work and provide a local organizing home for practicing solidarity with Palestinians in their resistance to Zionist occupation and their fight for liberation and decolonization, as well as a place to concretely tie internationalism to DSA SF’s other local organizing efforts. It supports mass mobilizations for Palestinian solidarity, joining coalition marches and other efforts.
Immigrant Justice
The Immigrant Justice Working Group (IJWG) is an open committee made up of members who help lead the immigrant rights organizing efforts in San Francisco.
The IJWG defends immigrant communities from detention and deportation through know your rights education and grassroots campaigns that seek to abolish and divest from oppressive systems and structures.
Our goal is to build power and solidarity with other socialist campaigns, organizations, and immigrant communities in order to build a San Francisco that promotes and defends the rights of all immigrants.
We welcome everyone to join us in the fight. Our working group meets bi-weekly on Thursday from 7-8 p.m.