The Democrats’ Yawning Silence on Trade
by Erik Loomis for Boston Review. Available online at bostonreview.net

Trump Is a Protectionist — But Who Is He Protecting?
by Robert A. Blecker for Jacobin Magazine Available online on jacobinmag.com

The State and Revolution
V.I. Lenin Available as a free online version here: https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/staterev/index.htm

Spain: Masses cheer new mayors as right wing is wiped out from main cities
Jorge Martin https://www.marxist.com/spain-masses-cheer-new-mayors-as-right-wing-is-wiped-out-from-main-cities.htm

Governing Madrid
Eoghan Gilmartin https://jacobinmag.com/2017/06/ahora-madrid-manuela-carmena-podemos-austerity-spain

Is America ready for a municipalist movement?
Municipalism: A Reading List Alexander Kolokotronis Is America ready for a municipalist movement?

Podemos and the ‘Democratic Revolution’ in Spain
Raul Zelik http://www.globalresearch.ca/podemos-and-the-democratic-revolution-in-spain/5447917

Grassroots movements sweep into Barcelona town hall
Municipalism: A Reading List ROAR collective Grassroots movements sweep into Barcelona town hall

A new grassroots movement is trying to take control of Barcelona’s government
Barbara Speed http://www.citymetric.com/new-grassroots-movement-trying-take-control-barcelonas-government

30,000 people have signed up to validate the municipal project Guanyem Barcelona
Barcelona en Comu https://guanyembarcelona.cat/press/30000-people-have-signed-up-to-validate-the-municipal-project-guanyem-barcelona/