News and updates

Socializing Together through Socialism 🌹

Comrades, On Saturday, many DSA SF members, new and old, and including YDSA members, finally got to meet other comrades in person for the first time at our DSA SF fall social. With the Kyle Rittenhouse trial reaching a verdict...

November 16, 2021

Come Meet Fellow Comrades at the DSA SF Fall Social! 🌹

DSA SF’s Fall Social is this Saturday! Come meet your comrades! The DSA SF fall social is this Saturday, November 13 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. by the tennis courts in Dolores Park. Please feel free to bring an individual...

November 9, 2021

Join us to build socialism together 🌹

New to the chapter? Find out more about DSA and how you can contribute to building socialism at Intro to DSA tomorrow! If you’re new to DSA or considering joining, but don’t know where to start, good news! Join us...

November 2, 2021

Learn About the Voter Action Network and Field Training 🌹

Join DSA’s Electoral Board voter action network and field training session! Join the DSA Electoral Board and Outreach Committee tomorrow, October 27 at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom for a voter action network and field training session with Avery Yu! We will learn...

October 26, 2021

It’s Striketober! 🌹

DSA SF Weekly Roundup — Setting Priorities Spotlight on: Striketober Although you might not have heard about it, labor actions have been sparked all over the country and San Francisco is no exception. From the walk-in staged by UESF educators, to Giants...

October 19, 2021

Celebrating Latinx Heritage and Indigenous Peoples’ Day as We Combat Detention, Deportation, and Line 3 🌹

Comrades, We are near the end of Latinx Heritage Month, which began September 15 and ends this Friday, October 15. The date, September 15, marked the 100-year anniversaries of the independence in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua....

October 12, 2021

How the U.S. Empire made today’s Afghanistan ?

Comrades, Last week, we marched in solidarity with tenants from the Embarcadero to Veritas headquarters on Market and Bush as the statewide eviction moratorium expired. You can also read about it here in the San Francisco Independent Journal. The day after, DSA...

October 5, 2021

Updates on our recent priority campaigns 🌹

Comrades, In case you missed the latest updates on our social media channels, here are some recent posts: Some members of the Labor Circle staged a walk-in last week to demand more safety in schools. Read about it here in the...

September 28, 2021

Using the past to thrust forward! 🌹

Comrades, This summer, DSA SF committed ourselves to developing a set of ballot measures that build power for the working class and train leaders in our chapter. As a chapter priority, the work of developing ballot measures that may someday...

September 14, 2021

What We Are Laboring Towards

Comrades, Yesterday, we celebrated Labor Day as unemployment benefits expired for millions of Americans and protections against evictions are ceasing. Even as working-class couriers are forced to deliver Grubhub orders during a flood or drive Ubers to rescue people from...

September 7, 2021