Last week, DSA SF held our annual picnic and many new members finally got to meet their comrades in person for the first time. After more than a year of Zoom meetings and quarantine, times like these help us remember why socialism will win: comradeship. As San Francisco opens up, it is more important now than ever to forge strong bonds with our fellow socialists. We are trying to organize in the most alienated and segregated society in history, right after quite possibly one of the most alienating and lonely periods imaginable. As we emerge from our isolation, we each need to rededicate ourselves to meeting and connecting with comrades; not just to do our work better, but because we want to strengthen the bonds of this community against capitalists who want us atomized and living in fear of each other. Take heart and take care of one another.
? DSA SF Communications Committee
Upcoming Events
? TODAY, 6/29 (5:30 p.m.): Weekly Tenant Organizing Phonebank | Email neighborsunitedsf@gmail.com or call Pat at 610-246-2552 to RSVP!
For more events, click here.
Top Stories from SFIJ
? Over 50 Dandelion Chocolate employees, union members, city-elected officials such as Supervisors Dean Preston and Connie Chan, and union supporters rallied to demand CEO Todd Masonis hire the workers back for unionizing.
? The fight to make SF’s Muni free for riders has staunch supporters within City Hall, but failed by a single vote to overcome the Mayor’s veto. Supervisor Myrna Melgar was the only one voting “no”, despite 91% of her district supporting free Muni.
If you have committee work or another story you want to be publicized by a friendly outlet, please submit tips to editors@sfindependentjournal.com.
Support Local IAM 1546 Workers
The workers of Cummins, Inc. in San Leandro are being forcibly removed from their union health plan, and management wants to put them on a high-deductible HSA plan, with $8,000 and $11,000 deductibles for individuals and families respectively. The IAM technicians are receiving only $150 per week for strike support and are going to lose their healthcare coverage on July 1. Organizers say this strike, now entering its fourth week, is the culmination of 20 months of negotiations. You can learn more about this labor action in this Labor Notes article, or in audio report from KPFA (starting around minute 15). Our comrades in DSA East Bay have been showing support for these workers, and we can show them solidarity by donating to their strike fund.
DSA SF is now on Tik Tok!
DSA SF’s Communications Committee has launched a chapter Tik Tok account! We will be churning out socialist propaganda, dog videos, socialist dog propaganda videos — the works. Follow us and tell your friends!
Join DSA SF’s Communications Committee
Want to post for socialism? Looking for a great entry point to learn about the broad work being done in our chapter? Join DSA SF’s newly-formed Communications Committee! We’re expanding our purview to include video, long-form and educational content, and content in different languages. But we need help! We use a broad range of skillsets, from writing and editing, to social media posting, to graphic design, and various kinds of internal administrative support. If this sounds interesting, email comms@dsasf.org to get involved!
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