DSA San Francisco stands with UAW 4811 academic workers in their Stand Up Strike because an injury to one is an injury to all, and the unprecedented repression of pro-Palestine speech and protest happening at UCs and across the country must be defeated. 

UC has failed to resolve multiple unfair labor practices against UAW 4811, such as:

  • Unjustly disciplining and retaliating against workers for exercising rights under their contract to free speech, protest, and collective action 
  • Discriminating against workers engaging in pro-Palestine speech while favoring anti-Palestine speech
  • Endangering UAW 4811 members and students by allowing violent attacks by anti-Palestine agitators and police

UC must resolve these unfair labor practices by substantively engaging with the concerns raised by workers and students and negotiating in good faith. We support calls to drop all criminal charges and disciplinary actions across the UC system, as well as calls to disclose and divest.  

This statement reiterates DSA San Francisco’s prior statements in solidarity with student protests, our demand for a ceasefire, and our chapter’s commitment to anti-Zionism.

If workers go on strike at UCSF, we will support the strike by joining UAW 4811 workers on the picket lines, at rallies, and campus actions.