Last weekend we held our annual chapter convention both in person and over zoom. At the meeting we took stock of how far we’ve come over the last year. The hardships that come with organizing during a pandemic within a settler empire were reflected honestly in the reports from chapter leaders. But, we also heard amazing stories of resilience and people power, like the historic Empty Homes Tax ballot measure campaign and the fact that DSA-endorsed mutual aid has housed people for nearly two years now through Hotels Not Hospitals.
More striking than anything else, though, was the feeling that everyone participating could see a better world and was ready to dedicate themselves to building that world, together.
To that end, we voted in our priorities for the coming year:
Completing the Ballot Measure Campaign
Free Muni Full Service
A Better DSA SF is Possible
We also voted in new Grievance Officers, Steering Committee, and Education Board. And, in the July meeting we will elect our Priority Campaign leadership and leadership for the Communications, International Solidarity, and Chapter Coordination committees.
Democracy is more than just voting, and we thank everyone who participated in the convention for being true comrades.
Solidarity,DSA SF Comms Committee
🌹 Sunday, 6/26 (2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.): Educational Event: A Socialist Answer to the Housing Crisis (Zoom)
Educational Events
Join DSA SF’s Empty Homes Tax signature captains on Sunday, June 26 at 2:00 p.m. PST for the third installment on the socialist answer to the housing crisis! This time we will be focusing on a series of articles on housing justice and related issues.
What has been the impact of privatizing affordable housing resources? What can we learn from the organizing efforts of Metro DC DSA’s Stomp Out Slumlords? Or the expropriation initiative in Berlin?
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