News and updates

Commemorating Black August
Comrades, We’d like to end the month of August by commemorating Black August, which honors the fallen freedom fighters of the Black Liberation Movement, and to call for the release of all political prisoners, abolition of all prisons, and to...

Solidarity with the people of Afghanistan 🌹
Dear comrades, Despite the media telling us the US military had been in Afghanistan to help the Afghan people, we know that’s not the case – the Afghan people have long suffered under US violence, and will now continue to...

DSA SF Moves Forward to Push For International Solidarity
Comrades, The chapter has been busy! At the August regular meeting, priority campaign leaders reported on what they’ve been working on, such as establishing subcommittees for the ballot measure campaign and presenting a plan of work for the next year...

Housing is a right, not a political calculation
Over the past couple weeks, we’ve seen our government carelessly allow the federal moratorium on evictions to lapse, all to have the CDC reinstate it through October 3 – an extension that will be challenged in courts. Will it survive...

DSA’s International Solidarity Work Must Go On
ICYMI: Continue the Positive Direction of DSA’s International Solidarity Work! Three members of Red Star San Francisco, a revolutionary Marxist caucus in DSA SF, write in favor of DSA Resolution #14: Committing to International Socialist Solidarity, which will go before the...

Supervisor Preston Casts Only Dissenting Vote on City Budget Which Increases Policing and Defunds Social Housing
Last week, Supervisor Dean Preston was the lone “no” vote on a city budget that increases police funding and defunds the social housing we won at the ballot box in 2020. Many politicians in San Francisco talk about the need to...

Support the Rideshare Drivers’ Strike
Support the Rideshare Drivers’ Strike Tomorrow, July 21 March and rally with Uber and Lyft drivers who are going ON STRIKE all day long tomorrow to protest unfair wages and working conditions from rideshare app companies, and to call for the passage...

Solidarity With the International Community
Comrades, As regime changes are forced in Haiti, protests in Cuba are amplified and distorted without context, and the socialist project in Venezuela is mystified by propaganda. It’s more important than ever to focus on the truth behind US interventions...

Learn More About the Chapter at Intro to DSA
Join us for Intro to DSA on July 7! Ready to get started with DSA SF? Have questions about socialism or our chapter? Or have you been a member but haven’t found the right way to connect with the chapter?...

Strengthening Comradeship Against Capitalism
Comrades, Last week, DSA SF held our annual picnic and many new members finally got to meet their comrades in person for the first time. After more than a year of Zoom meetings and quarantine, times like these help us remember why...