Here’s your weekly roundup of announcements, events, and reportbacks for the week of March 14, 2023.
🌹Tuesday, 3/14 (6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.): Turnout Tuesday for Recommitment Drive (In person at the DSA SF office, 1916 McAllister)
🌹Wednesday, 3/15 (1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.): SFPD Budget Supplemental Committee Hearing (Agenda, location, and remote public comment information here)
🌹Wednesday, 3/15 (6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.): Free Muni Full Service Priority Monthly Meeting (Zoom)
🌹Thursday, 3/16 (7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.): Labor Organizing Training (Zoom and in person at the DSA SF office, 1916 McAllister)
🌹Friday, 3/17 (12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.): Office Hours (In person at the DSA SF office, 1916 McAllister)
🌹Friday, 3/17 (6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.): The Battle of Chile Film Screening (In person at the DSA SF office, 1916 McAllister)
🌹Saturday, 3/18 (5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.): Starbucks Strike Picket Sign Building Social (In person at the DSA SF office, 1916 McAllister)
🌹Tuesday, 3/21 (6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.): Ecosocialist Book Club: The Future is Degrowth (Zoom)
🌹Tuesday, 3/21 (6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.): Turnout Tuesday for Recommitment Drive (In person at the DSA SF office, 1916 McAllister)
🌹Wednesday, 3/22 (6:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.): Starbucks 18th and Castro Strike (In person at 4094 18th Street)
🌹Wednesday, 3/22 (6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.): What is DSA? (In person at the DSA SF office, 1916 McAllister)
🌹Friday, 3/24 (12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.): Office Hours (In person at the DSA SF office, 1916 McAllister)
🌹Friday, 3/24 (6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.): The Battle of Chile Film Screening (In person at the DSA SF office, 1916 McAllister)
🌹Saturday, 3/25 (1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.): The War in Ukraine: Book Talk with Medea Benjamin (Zoom)
🌹Tuesday, 3/28 (6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.): Turnout Tuesday for Recommitment Drive (In person at the DSA SF office, 1916 McAllister)
🌹Friday, 3/31 (12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.): Office Hours (In person at the DSA SF office, 1916 McAllister)
🌹Friday, 3/31 (6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.): The Battle of Chile Film Screening (In person at the DSA SF office, 1916 McAllister)
🌹Tuesday, 4/4 (6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.): Turnout Tuesday for Recommitment Drive (In person at the DSA SF office, 1916 McAllister)
🌹Thursday, 4/6 (6:00 p.m. – 7:30 pm.): Ecosocialist Monthly Meeting (Zoom)
National Day of Action for Cuba 3/15 – 3/16

Labor Organizing 101 Training!

We’ll also take some time to connect with each other and discuss ways to get involved with labor work in DSA SF, your workplace, and the broader labor movement. Whether you’re brand new to labor work or a veteran labor organizer, come out and build some solidarity with your fellow workers. This is a hybrid event; come to the DSA SF office at 1916 McAllister if you can, or join on Zoom.
Battle of Chile Film Screening on March 17, 24, and 31
Join the DSA SF International Solidarity Committee for a film screening and discussion of Patricio Guzmán’s documentary The Battle of Chile: The Struggle of an Unarmed People. The documentary covers the right wing boycott and military coup against the Allende administration, focusing on the bottom-up organizing of Chilean workers in response to U.S.-funded efforts to dismantle their revolution. The film highlights the many counter-revolutionary tactics that U.S. imperialism continues to deploy in Latin America today while providing key insights into organizing strategies that we can apply to our current struggle for a worker-controlled democracy. The first of three screenings is taking place on Friday, March 17th at 6:30 p.m. at the DSA SF office (1916 McAllister). Food and drinks will be provided!
Starbucks Strike Picket Sign Building Social
DSA SF is providing strike support to the Castro Starbucks workers this month! On March 18th, join us at 1916 McAllister from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to build picket signs that will be used on the picket line during the strike on March 22nd. Come join us to help make picket signs, have a chat, or just hang out! Pizza and beverages will be provided.
Book Talk with Medea Benjamin on March 25
Come join us on Saturday, March 25, at 1 p.m. for a talk on Zoom with Medea Benjamin, author of War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict. Her book provides a fantastic summary of points generally ignored in Western media: the historical context to the conflict, America’s role in escalation, NATO expansion, misinformation campaigns, the global impact of Western sanctions, and the real threat of nuclear war. Medea is a co-founder of CODEPINK and the fair trade advocacy group Global Exchange; she has also written books on drone warfare, US-Saudi relations, and American aggression against Iran. Medea has been awarded with the US Peace Memorial Foundations Prize and has been a recipient of the Gandhi Peace Award and Martin Luther King, Jr Peace Prize from the Fellowship of Reconciliation.
Ecosocialist Book Club: The Future is Degrowth

Join the DSA SF Ecosocialist Committee’s book club for the second half of a two part discussion on degrowth on March 21st from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. We’re reading and discussing The Future is Degrowth: A Guide to a World Beyond Capitalism. Open to all!
Office Hours Every Friday This Month!
The DSA SF office will be open for office hours from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. every Friday in March! Folks will be milling around working on a variety of DSA and non-DSA things and generally hanging out and having a good time. If you’re looking for a place to work for the afternoon in community with other socialists on Friday, come hang out!
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