Anna Louise Strong Archive
Anna Louise Strong Archive Works: 1919: No One Knows Where 1925: Children of Revolution 1925: First Time in History 1925: Stalin ‘The Voice of the Party’ Breaks Trotsky 1941: Stalin 1946: Talk with Mao Tse Tung 1949: In North Korea:...

The politics of Helen Keller | International Socialist Review
The politics of Helen Keller | International Socialist Review Helen Keller is one of the most widely recognized figures in US history that people actually know very little about. That she was a serious political thinker who made important contributions...

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Archive
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Archive A founding member of the American Civil Liberties Union, she was involved in the campaign against the conviction in the Sacco-Vanzetti case. In 1936 Flynn joined the Communist Party and wrote a bi-weekly column for women’s...

Women and Marxism: Marxists Internet Archive
Women and Marxism: Marxists Internet Archive This subject section has been created to provide broad documentation both on women’s issues and Marxism, and also a space for women’s writings that are significant, but transcriptions not currently volumous or organized enough...