As regime changes are forced in Haiti, protests in Cuba are amplified and distorted without context, and the socialist project in Venezuela is mystified by propaganda. It’s more important than ever to focus on the truth behind US interventions in these nations.
To the people who manage the U.S. empire, it’s necessary to impose ruthless sanctions and blockades to isolate and alienate Cubans, Haitians, Venezuelans, Yemenis, and others from us.
We must dedicate ourselves to solidarity across nations, to see the humanity in the people who suffer most from our country’s power, and to act together to free ourselves from that power!
DSA SF Communications Committee
Upcoming Events
? Wednesday, 7/14 (6:45-9:00 p.m.): July Chapter Meeting (virtual)
? Friday, 7/16 (4:00 p.m.): Rally to Stop the Saudi-U.S. War on Yemen!
? Sunday, 7/18 (5:00 p.m.): National DSA Report Back on the delegation to Venezuela (virtual)
? Monday, 7/19 (6:30 p.m.): Everything You Wanted to Know About Lenin But Were Afraid to Ask (virtual)
Join us for our July regular chapter meeting
Our July chapter meeting is tomorrow, July 14 at 6:45 p.m. on Zoom. Please join us as we debate and start voting on chapter priority campaign, committee, and working group leadership. We’ll hear from priority campaign leadership candidates (candidate statements here!), with online voting using OpaVote closing a few hours after the meeting. Steering committee will present a plan of work to the chapter, and we’ll discuss a chapter International Solidarity and Mass Action resolution from some comrades. Hope to see you there – RSVP here!
Rally to Stop the Saudi-U.S. War on Yemen

The Saudi blockade is killing civilians and the U.S. is not only complicit, but aiding Saudi Arabia in it. Congress can end the blockade and all U.S. participation in the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. Join us to rally in front of the SF Federal Building this Friday, July 16 at 4:00 p.m. for a Day of Action for the Yemen War Powers Act.
Everything You Wanted to Know About Lenin But Were Afraid to Ask

Join the Education Committee on July 19 at 6:30 p.m. for a virtual interactive discussion of the ideas and classic texts of Lenin. It’s perfect for newcomers, but also a great way to dig deeper into Lenin’s crucial contribution to socialism, Marxism, and why he remains an important touchpoint for us today. Register here!
National DSA Report Back on the delegation to Venezuela
This June, DSA sent a historic delegation to Venezuela in order to represent the organization in the Congreso Bicentenario de los Pueblos in Caracas. For two weeks this delegation traveled the country, engaging with various political formations and communes, speaking to political leadership at every level, and witnessing firsthand the construction of Venezuelan socialism as it struggled against crippling US sanctions in the time of COVID. For this special report back, join us on Zoom on Sunday, July 18 at 5:00 p.m. PT for a thoughtful and frank reflection as our delegates discuss US sanctions, socialist solidarity, and the many contradictions and triumphs they experienced during their time in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. RSVP here.
DSA SF is now on Tik Tok!
DSA SF’s Communications Committee has launched a chapter Tik Tok account! We will be churning out socialist propaganda, dog videos, socialist dog propaganda videos — the works. Follow us and tell your friends!
Reading Groups
Ecosocialist Book Club: Dina Gilio-Whitaker’s As Long as Grass Grows
Join the DSA SF Ecosocialist Committee’s book club biweekly on Mondays in August – August 2, August 16, and August 30 at 6:00 p.m. -7:15 p.m. We’re reading and discussing Dina Gilio-Whitaker’s As Long as Grass Grows: The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice, from Colonization to Standing Rock. Open to all! Register now using the link here.
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