The moment we’ve been awaiting has finally arrived: signature gathering for the Empty Homes Tax campaign starts this weekend! We’ll be gathering for a rally and mobilization on Sunday, February 27 at 12:30 pm at the corner of Hayes and Scott to officially start talking to our neighbors about this groundbreaking measure. RSVP here to let us know you’re coming.
We’re also going to be phonebanking members and supporters tonight and tomorrow to make sure we have as many people out there as possible for our kickoff. Sign up here to make calls and help us have a successful kickoff!
Solidarity, DSA SF Electoral Board
Tuesday, 2/22 (7:00 p.m.): Phonebank for Empty Homes Tax Campaign Kickoff (Zoom)
Wednesday, 2/23 (5:00 p.m.): Phonebank for tenants’ rights with Daybreak PAC (Zoom)
Wednesday, 2/23 (6:00 p.m.): Phonebank for Empty Homes Tax Campaign Kickoff (Zoom)
Saturday, 2/26 (3:00 p.m.): Grounding Walter Rodney’s Groundings with My Brothers (Zoom)
Sunday, 2/27 (12:00 p.m.): A Conversation about Internationalism with DSA SF and the DSA International Committee (Zoom)
Sunday, 2/27 (12:30 p.m.): Empty Homes Tax Campaign Kickoff Rally and Mobilization (in-person, corner of Hayes and Scott)
Sunday, 3/6 (2:00 p.m.): Naila and the Uprising Film Screening (Zoom)
Saturday, 3/19 (2:00 p.m.): Ecosocialist Book Club: Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future (in-person, at the Panhandle in Golden Gate Park)
Learn about Palestinian women and the resistance against settler-colonialism

Join us and East Bay DSA for a film screening of Naila and the Uprising on Sunday, March 6 at 2:00 p.m. This film is about a Palestinian woman activist named Naila Ayesh who resisted against the Israeli occupation during the First Intifada from 1987 to 1993. This is also in partnership with the National BDS and Palestine Solidarity Working Group. This film screening highlights the importance of Palestinian women coming together to share knowledge, mobilize their community, and more. This film is just over 1 hour long, and we will have a group discussion after watching the film. Register here to join us!
Join DSA SF and the DSA International Committee for a Conversation about Internationalism
On Sunday, February 27 at 12:00 p.m. on Zoom, join ISOC and members of DSA International Committee, including Luisa Martinez from IC’s Steering Committee, Austin Gonzalez from the National Political Committee, IC Secretariat Marvin Gonzalez, and ISOC member David Paul for a conversation about internationalism, what the IC is doing, and how we can do this work on the local level in our chapter. Register here!
Reading Groups
Join Us to Discuss Walter Rodney’s Groundings with My Brothers
Join the Black Liberation and Indigenous Sovereignty chapter priority and the Education Committee for our first discussion on Walter Rodney’s Groundings with My Brothers on Saturday, February 26 at 3:00 p.m. on Zoom. In this classic work published in the heady days of anti-colonial revolution, Groundings with My Brothers follows the global circulation of emancipatory ideas, from the black students of North America to the Rasta counterculture of Jamaica and beyond. The book is striking in its ability to survey the wide and heterogeneous international context while remaining anchored in grassroots politics, as Rodney offers us first-hand accounts of mass movement organizing. Having inspired a generation of revolutionaries, this new edition will re-introduce the book to a new political landscape that it helped shape, with reflections from leading scholar-activists. You can find the direct link to the Zoom meeting here.
Ecosocialist Book Club: Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future

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