DSA SF produces short summaries of some of our most important concepts and issues as zines and fliers to distribute to the general public to help inform people about who we are and what we stand for.

DSA SF Labor Organizing Zines
DSA SF has produced a handful of zines that we think will be helpful to you and your co-workers as you start to organize on the job.
July 9, 2020

The Good Neighbor Guide to Encampment Sweeps
Download printable zine: The Good Neighbor Guide to Encampment Sweeps (PDF)
October 2, 2017

Why is the rent in SF so expensive?
Download printable zine: Why is the rent in SF so expensive? (PDF)
September 13, 2017

What’s Wrong with Capitalism?
Download printable zine: What’s Wrong with Capitalism? (PDF)
July 9, 2017