Flynn Biography
Flynn Biography Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was one of the most influential labor organizers of the early 20th century, and was the first female leader of the Communist Party. She lived a colorful life full of success and failure both in...

Education & Resources – National Women’s History Museum – NWHM
Education & Resources – National Women’s History Museum – NWHM Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (1890-1964)

Women and Marxism: Marxists Internet Archive
Women and Marxism: Marxists Internet Archive This subject section has been created to provide broad documentation both on women’s issues and Marxism, and also a space for women’s writings that are significant, but transcriptions not currently volumous or organized enough...

Communists in Harlem
Communists in Harlem Organizing against racism during the Great Depression Communists in Harlem February 24, 2006 WITH THE republication of Mark Naison’s book Communists in Harlem During the Depression (University of Illinois Press, 2005), a new generation of socialists will...

Notes on the 1946 General Strike
When people found out that we were making work about Oakland, we were asked one question time and again: “What do you know about the general strike?” The answer was, not much. We’d never heard of it before moving to...

1946: The Oakland general strike – Stan Weir
1946: The Oakland general strike – Stan Weir An account by Stan Weir of the gen strike in Oakland, California, in 1946. The Oakland (California) General Strike was an extension of the national strike wave. It was not a ‘called’...

1946 Oakland General Strike – Oakland – LocalWiki
1946 Oakland General Strike – Oakland – LocalWiki In 1946, the largest general strike in U.S. history took place in Oakland. The strike effectively shut the city down for nearly three days (1946) Protestors surround a mail truck at the...

The 1946 Oakland General Strike
The 1946 Oakland General Strike The 1946 Oakland general strike began with a dispute at two downtown department stores, Hastings’ and Kahn’s, where 425 clerks (mostly women) were on strike for union recognition.