Ever wonder about all those billionaires out there? Who’d they crush to get their money and what do they do with it all? Wonder no more as DSA SF’s Writing Committee hosts Billionaire Story Hour, an event to expose their dirty secrets and educate the masses!
Join us for Billionaire Story Hour on Wednesday, August 14 from 6-8pm at Knockout, 3223 Mission St. in San Francisco. We’re looking for people who would like to present! Bring your own billionaire story or email us at writing@dsasf.org and we’ll supply you with material. Or, simply join us for an evening of lively storytelling as we relate the antics and offenses of some of the world’s most reviled billionaires. Come to learn, laugh, and understand billionaires’ power and be inspired to put it back in the hands of the people.
Admission is free and Knockout will be selling drinks as usual. Accessibility information: This event will have amplified sound. Knockout is located on the ground floor.
Want to present and tell us all the dirt on a billionaire? Questions? Email writing@dsasf.org today.
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